FreeBSD(9.2) - PureFTPd

Installing from binary package:

If you don't need to use SSL, you can install it from binary package:
root@freebsd:~ # pkg install pure-ftpd

If you need to use SSL, you have to install it from ports, because the package is not compiled with SSL support:
root@freebsd:~ # /usr/local/sbin/pure-ftpd -g/var/run/ -A -c50 -B -C8 -D -E -fftp -H -I15 -lpuredb:/usr/local/etc/pureftpd.pdb -L10000:8 -m4 -p30000:50000 -s -U113:002 -u100 -k99 -Z -Y2 -4
pure-ftpd: invalid option -- Y
pure-ftpd: invalid option -- 2
root@freebsd:~ # ldd /usr/local/sbin/pure-ftpd
/usr/local/sbin/pure-ftpd: => /lib/ (0x801239000) => /usr/lib/ (0x801458000) => /lib/ (0x80081b000)

Installing from ports:

 Go to the pure-ftpd directory from the ports tree and tun "make install". Don't forget to check the SSL/TLS box:
root@freebsd:~ # cd /usr/ports/ftp/pure-ftpd/
root@freebsd:/usr/ports/ftp/pure-ftpd # make install
Generating SSL certificate:
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem -out /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem
Testing with lftp: 

If you need to connect using lftp to a ftp server that requires SSL, you have to set a few lftp parameters:
root@freeBSD92:~ # cat ~/.lftprc
set ftp:ssl-allow true
set ftp:ssl-force true
set ftp:ssl-protect-data true
set ftp:ssl-protect-list true
set ssl:verify-certificate no
If you do not set these parameters, you will get a error like "[Delaying before reconnect: XX]" or "Fatal error: SSL_connect: self signed certificate", if you are using a self signed certificate.


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