JunOS - loging on secondary node of a cluster and copying file between nodes

First at all you have to know that you should be able to login to a secondary node of a J/SRX cluster using OOB( out of band management interface - fxp0 ), but, if this is not possible you can do it from the primary node.

In my case there is a cluster of SRX240H2. You have to login into the cluster and check the status of it:
smocanu@srx240h2# run show chassis cluster status
Cluster ID: 1
Node                  Priority          Status    Preempt  Manual failover

Redundancy group: 0 , Failover count: 1
    node0                   100         primary        no       no
    node1                   1           secondary      no       no

Redundancy group: 1 , Failover count: 2
    node0                   100         secondary      no       no
    node1                   1           primary        no       no

If you would like to login into the secondary node from the primary node, you have to make sure that FAB link(s) is/are up and then you have to run the following command:
smocanu@srx240h2# run request routing-engine login node 1

--- JUNOS 12.1X44-D20.3 built 2013-07-19 03:52:31 UTC
If you need to copy files between nodes, you can do that by using "rcp" command as bellow:
smocanu@srx240h2> start shell
% rcp -T /var/log/kmd node1:/var/tmp

You should also be able to do that by using cli file command, but for some reasons this is not working for me:
smocanu@srx240h2# run file copy /var/log/kmd node0:/var/tmp
ssh: Could not resolve hostname node0: hostname nor servname provided, or not known
lost connection
error: put-file failed

References: KB17410


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