JunOS - mount USB stick
There are times when you have to use a USB stick to copy to or from it files to a Juniper router/switch.
Fortunetly it will not be to very frequently, but there will be a time when you will need it.
JunOS being a UNIX( FreeBSD ) based OS, you have to identify and mount the device attached.
First, you have to check the device name, so you can identify it on /dev:
Once your USB stick is mounted, you can copy to/from it files, using /var/tmp/usb path.
Do not forget that you have to umount the USB storage, before removing it from your device.
References: KB12880
Fortunetly it will not be to very frequently, but there will be a time when you will need it.
JunOS being a UNIX( FreeBSD ) based OS, you have to identify and mount the device attached.
First, you have to check the device name, so you can identify it on /dev:
smocanu@j2350> show log messages | match massThen you have to verify the partition number, usually it is the first one:
May 16 15:25:45 j2350 /kernel: umass0: Kingston DataTraveler SE9, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 2
May 16 15:25:46 j2350 /kernel: da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
smocanu@j2350> start shellNow you can mount your USB stick:
% ls -las /dev/da0
/dev/da0 /dev/da0s1
% mkdir /var/tmp/usb
% mount_msdosfs /dev/da0s1 /var/tmp/usb
Once your USB stick is mounted, you can copy to/from it files, using /var/tmp/usb path.
Do not forget that you have to umount the USB storage, before removing it from your device.
% umount /var/tmp/usb/
% exit
References: KB12880
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