
Showing posts from May, 2014

JunOS - mount USB stick

There are times when you have to use a USB stick to copy to or from it files to a Juniper router/switch. Fortunetly it will not be to very frequently, but there will be a time when you will need it. JunOS being a UNIX( FreeBSD ) based OS, you have to identify and mount the device attached. First, you have to check the device name, so you can identify it on /dev: smocanu@j2350> show log messages | match mass May 16 15:25:45  j2350 /kernel: umass0: Kingston DataTraveler SE9, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 2 May 16 15:25:46  j2350 /kernel: da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0 Then you have to verify the partition number, usually it is the first one: smocanu@j2350> start shell % ls -las /dev/da0 /dev/da0 /dev/da0s1 Now you can mount your USB stick: % mkdir /var/tmp/usb % mount_msdosfs /dev/da0s1 /var/tmp/usb Once your USB stick is mounted, you can copy to/from it files, using /var/tmp/usb path. Do not forget that you have to umount the USB storage, before remov...

JunOS - loging on secondary node of a cluster and copying file between nodes

First at all you have to know that you should be able to login to a secondary node of a J/SRX cluster using OOB( out of band management interface - fxp0 ), but, if this is not possible you can do it from the primary node. In my case there is a cluster of SRX240H2. You have to login into the cluster and check the status of it: smocanu@srx240h2# run show chassis cluster status Cluster ID: 1 Node                  Priority          Status    Preempt  Manual failover Redundancy group: 0 , Failover count: 1     node0                   100         primary        no       no     node1     ...

Starting my blog

Lately some of my friends have decided that they will like to learn IT staff, and they have asked me a lot of things about operating systems and network protocols. So, I have decided to start this blog, in order to keep, into one place, some of the procedures/commands that I use on my job, so I can provide them to my friends and also to get back to check them, if needed . I'm not intending to explain the mechanism behind the scene, unless is necessary, because there are so many places where you can find it, but I will try to provide a reference link, whenever is possible, so you can check and analyze it further.